Easy Flutter Tutorial Series in Nepali


Many of you requested to create a basics Flutter tutorial series in Nepali language. Happy with your request and also considering that there are less Flutter content in Nepali, I have started Nepali Youtube channel and started a Flutter Introductory Tutoria Series in Nepali. It will cover all the basic concepts of Flutter application framework. We will learn Flutter scratch and cover various topics. Along with that, each video in the series will consist of lots of tips and tricks that will make you capable to further explore and build apps on your own using Flutter once you have completed the series. I will not only teach you Flutter, but also teach you how to learn further Flutter or any other technologies. Tips and tricks regarding learning process presented in each videos will be applicable most of the time when you are learning other languages, frameworks or tools. I hope you will enjoy the series. Please provide me any feedback you have in my social media or Youtube comments.

Outline for the Series

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Flutter?
  3. Namaster Flutter
  4. Understanding Widgets
  5. Building First Layout
  6. Scaffolding App
  7. Navigation Part 1
  8. Dialogs and Alerts
  9. ListView
  10. Stateful Widgets
  11. Assets
  12. Organizing Code
  13. Understanding Pub
  14. Navigation Part 2
  15. Accessing Camera
  16. More yet to work on...

1. Introduction

In this first video we introduce the the series, what we will be learning and what are the pre-requisites to begin with the tutorial

2. What is Flutter?

In this video we discuss what Flutter is and why we would want to learn Flutter in 2021.

3. Namaste Flutter

In this video we create our first Flutter video and look at the various files and folders that comes with it. We will look at platform folders and why they are required. We will also build and run our Application and try to understand in brief how it works.

4. Widgets and More Widgets

We will explore more about widgets, and look at the docs from where we can learn more about such widgets. Learn to use widget catalog and widget index.

5. Widgets in Action

Let's put the widgets in Action and build our first layout.

6. Application Scaffold

Building an App's frame, with various capabilities like navigation, hardware button handling, theming and lot more.

We will learn about MaterialApp, WidgetsApp, CupertinoApp, Scaffold and many other Material widgets

7. Basics of Navigation

Learn the basics of navigation in Flutter by setting up multiple page and navigating back and forth between them

8. Alerts and Dialogs

Learn the basics of navigation in Flutter by setting up multiple page and navigating back and forth between them

9. Scrollable Views

Learn the basics of scrollable views like ListView and how to use them to display content that don't fit on screen.

10. Introduction to Stateful Widgets

Learn what stateful widgets are, why to use them and how to use them in your application with live coding.

11. Adding Custom Fonts and Images to Flutter

Learn how to add custom fonts and images to your Flutter application and how to use them.

12. Themes

Learn how to customize your Flutter app using themes. Understand how you can make consistent looking UIs across application using themes.

More coming soon

Source Code


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