/// The base database service class that you can instiantiate or extend
/// ```dart
/// DatabaseService<Note> noteDBs = DatabaseService<Note>("notes",fromDS: (id,data) => Note.fromDS(id,data), toMap: (note)=>note.toMap());
/// noteDBs.getQueryList()
/// .then((List<Note> notes)=>print(notes));
/// ```
class DatabaseService<T> {
/// path of the collection to use as base path for all the operations
String collection;
final FirebaseFirestore _db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
/// Function to convert the firestore [DocumentSnapshot] into the model class [T]
/// provides [id] and [Map<String,dynamic> data] and must return [T] object.
final T Function(String, Map<String, dynamic>) fromDS;
///Function to convert object [T] to [Map<String,dynamic>], receives instance of [T],
///and should always return [Map<String,dynamic>]
final Map<String, dynamic> Function(T) toMap;
/// Create instance of Database service
/// [collection] path is required
/// [fromDS] is required to get document snapshot as object [T]
DatabaseService(this.collection, {this.fromDS, this.toMap});
/// Returns instance of FirebaseFirestore
FirebaseFirestore get db => _db;
/// Get a single document of [id] from the [collection]
/// Returns null if the document does not exist
Future<T> getSingle(String id) async {
var snap = await _db.collection(collection).doc(id).get();
if (!snap.exists) return null;
return fromDS(snap.id, snap.data());
/// Returns a single document of [id] from [collection]
/// as stream so that updates can be listened
Stream<T> streamSingle(String id) {
return _db
.map((snap) => snap.exists ? fromDS(snap.id, snap.data()) : null);
/// Returns list of all the documents from [collection]
/// as a stream so that changes can be listened
Stream<List<T>> streamList() {
var ref = _db.collection(collection);
return ref.snapshots().map(
(list) => list.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList());
/// Returns the list of documents from [collection], in the order provided in
/// [orderBy] and matches the [args] supplied.
/// use [startAfter], [startAt], [endAt], [endBefore] to perform cursor based queries
/// and pagination of data
Future<List<T>> getQueryList({
List<OrderBy> orderBy,
List<QueryArgs> args,
int limit,
dynamic startAfter,
dynamic startAt,
dynamic endAt,
dynamic endBefore,
}) async {
CollectionReference collref = _db.collection(collection);
Query ref;
if (args != null) {
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg is QueryArgsV2) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
ref = ref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
} else {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
if (orderBy != null) {
orderBy.forEach((order) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.orderBy(order.field, descending: order.descending);
ref = ref.orderBy(order.field, descending: order.descending);
if (limit != null) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.limit(limit);
ref = ref.limit(limit);
if (startAfter != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.startAfter([startAfter]);
if (startAt != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.startAt([startAt]);
if (endAt != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.endAt([endAt]);
if (endBefore != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.endBefore([endBefore]);
QuerySnapshot query;
if (ref != null)
query = await ref.get();
query = await collref.get();
return query.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList();
/// Returns the list of documents from [collection], in the order provided in
/// [orderBy] and matches the [args] supplied as a stream so that changes can be
/// listened.
/// Use [startAfter], [startAt], [endAt], [endBefore] to perform cursor based
/// queries and pagination of data
Stream<List<T>> streamQueryList({
List<OrderBy> orderBy,
List<QueryArgs> args,
int limit,
dynamic startAfter,
dynamic startAt,
dynamic endBefore,
dynamic endAt,
}) {
CollectionReference collref = _db.collection(collection);
Query ref;
if (orderBy != null) {
orderBy.forEach((order) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.orderBy(order.field, descending: order.descending);
ref = ref.orderBy(order.field, descending: order.descending);
if (args != null) {
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg is QueryArgsV2) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
ref = ref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
} else {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
if (limit != null) {
if (ref == null)
ref = collref.limit(limit);
ref = ref.limit(limit);
if (startAfter != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.startAfter([startAfter]);
if (startAt != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.startAt([startAt]);
if (endAt != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.endAt([endAt]);
if (endBefore != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.endBefore([endBefore]);
if (ref != null)
return ref.snapshots().map((snap) =>
snap.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList());
return collref.snapshots().map((snap) =>
snap.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList());
/// Returns the list of documents from [from] date to [to] date matched by [field]
/// is ordered by the [field] provided.
/// additional [args] can be supplied to perform specific query.
Future<List<T>> getListFromTo(String field, DateTime from, DateTime to,
{List<QueryArgs> args = const []}) async {
var ref = _db.collection(collection).orderBy(field);
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg is QueryArgsV2) {
ref = ref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
} else {
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
QuerySnapshot query = await ref.startAt([from]).endAt([to]).get();
return query.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList();
/// Returns the list of documents from [from] date to [to] date matched by [field] from [collection]
/// as a stream so that changes can be listened and is ordered by the [field] provided.
/// additional [args] can be supplied to perform specific query.
Stream<List<T>> streamListFromTo(String field, DateTime from, DateTime to,
{List<QueryArgs> args = const []}) {
var ref = _db.collection(collection).orderBy(field, descending: true);
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg is QueryArgsV2) {
ref = ref.where(
isEqualTo: arg.isEqualTo,
isGreaterThan: arg.isGreaterThan,
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: arg.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
isLessThan: arg.isLessThan,
isLessThanOrEqualTo: arg.isLessThanOrEqualTo,
isNull: arg.isNull,
arrayContains: arg.arrayContains,
arrayContainsAny: arg.arrayContainsAny,
whereIn: arg.whereIn,
} else {
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
var query = ref.startAfter([to]).endAt([from]).snapshots();
return query.map(
(snap) => snap.docs.map((doc) => fromDS(doc.id, doc.data())).toList());
/// Creates new document based on the provided [item] and [id] in the [collection]
/// If [id] is null, [id] will be auto generated by firestore
@Deprecated("Use create(Map<String,dynamic> data, {String id}) instead.")
Future<dynamic> createItem(T item, {String id}) {
if (id != null) {
return _db.collection(collection).doc(id).set(toMap(item));
} else {
return _db.collection(collection).add(toMap(item));
/// Creates new document based on the provided [data] and [id] in the [collection]
/// If [id] is null, [id] will be auto generated by firestore
Future<dynamic> create(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String id}) {
if (id != null) {
return _db.collection(collection).doc(id).set(data);
} else {
return _db.collection(collection).add(data);
/// Updates the document with [id] with the provided [data] to the [collection]
Future<void> updateData(String id, Map<String, dynamic> data) {
return _db.collection(collection).doc(id).update(data);
/// Removes item with [id] from [collection]
Future<void> removeItem(String id) {
return _db.collection(collection).doc(id).delete();
/// Supply query to query the data based on [key] field with [value]
/// Always performs `isEqualTo` query
@Deprecated("Use QueryArgsV2 instead")
class QueryArgs {
final dynamic key;
final dynamic value;
QueryArgs(this.key, this.value);
/// Supply query to query the collection based on [key] field and the
/// values supplied to various arguments
/// Please refer to firestore documentation for understanding
/// various operators of the query
class QueryArgsV2 extends QueryArgs {
/// Field to match
final dynamic key;
/// performs equality == check
final dynamic isEqualTo;
/// performs less than < check
final dynamic isLessThan;
/// performs less than or equal to <= check
final dynamic isLessThanOrEqualTo;
/// performs greater than or equal to >= check
final dynamic isGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
/// performs greater than > check
final dynamic isGreaterThan;
/// performs array contains check
final dynamic arrayContains;
/// performs array contains any check
final List<dynamic> arrayContainsAny;
/// performs where in check
final List<dynamic> whereIn;
/// performs if is null check
final bool isNull;
/// Create instance of QueryArgsV2
: super(key, isEqualTo);
/// Provide ordering option to queries
class OrderBy {
/// Field to order by
final String field;
/// Whether the order should be descending, default is false
final bool descending;
/// Creates instance of OrderBy
OrderBy(this.field, {this.descending = false});